2015 Practice News


Deadline to Order Allergy Extract in 2015 is 12/28

Atlanta Allergy Immunotherapy patients who would like to order their allergy extract in this calendar year must do so by Monday, December 28th.

FDA Approves New Medication for Severe, Persistent Asthma

Early November 2015, the FDA approved a new medication for the treatment of severe, persistent asthma called Nucala (mepolizumab). It is an injectable medication that is given once a month in the doctor’s office. Nucala is indicated for people 12-years-old and over who have difficult asthma that is not controlled by their usual medications.

FDA Approves New Treatment Option for Patients with Severe Asthma.

Breastfeeding and Allergies – New Study Reveals Interesting Data

Physicians from Atlanta Allergy & Asthma attended the Annual Scientific Meeting of the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology this past weekend in San Antonio.

Dr. Lily Hwang Speaks at 6th Annual Fulton County School Nurse and Clinic Assistant Conference

Our own Dr. Lily Hwang was able to share important information about allergies and asthma this past Friday with nurses and clinic assistants from schools all across Fulton County.

Primary Immunodeficiency Disease-Education Meeting Sat. 11/21

Immune Deficiency Foundation presents:IDF Education Meeting - Saturday, November 21. For Individuals & Family Members Living with Primary Immunodeficiency Diseases

Community Health Fair — Free Asthma Screening and Other Services This Saturday

Atlanta Allergy & Asthma is pleased to again be participating in the 16th Annual Southeastern Primary Care Providers Community Health Fair, this Saturday from 9am-12pm. Specialists from a number of fields join the SEPC providers to offer an extraordinary day of service and education — all free of charge to the Southside community.

It’s That Time of the Year – Is Your Asthma Under Control?

Auvi-Q Recall: Important - Please Read

Teal Pumpkin Project: A Big Success!

Thank you for participating in the Teal Pumpkin Project. Not only did you help raise awareness of food allergies, by providing non-food treats, you helped to create a safer and happier Halloween for all.

Flu Shots Are Available at All 18 Atlanta Allergy Locations


Take the Teal Pumpkin Project Pledge

Join FARE’s Teal Pumpkin Project to help us create a safer, happier Halloween for all!

Tips to Keep You and Your Family Safe This Halloween


Patient Testimonial: Angela of Atlanta

"Great practice full of friendly folks who really do work to help you feel better!”

Patient Testimonial: Allyson of Alpharetta

“I am seriously compelled to write a review for this practice because Dr. Schaffer is by far, the best doctor I have EVER seen. I have been going here for 3 years now, on a yearly basis, and I am always so happy after I leave. The service they provide is awesome."


Atlanta Allergy & Asthma Participates in 10th Anniversary FARE Walk for Food Allergy

We had a great turn out for the 10th Anniversary "FARE Walk for Food Allergy" event at Grant Park this past weekend - in spite of the weather!


Fall Allergy Season Is Here!!

This is ragweed, the most common culprit for fall allergies. It grows wild almost everywhere, but especially on the East Coast and in the Midwest. Ragweed blooms and releases pollen from August to November. In the southeast, we begin to see ragweed pollen as early as August with peak levels in mid-September.

Five of the Seven Top Docs in Category from Atlanta Allergy & Asthma

Five of seven Top Docs in category from Atlanta Allergy and Asthma — the largest allergy practice in Georgia — In all, Atlanta magazine named seven physicians to the allergy and immunology category in its 2015 Top Doctors’ list, meaning that those from Atlanta Allergy comprised more than 70 percent of the magazine’s Top Doctors in that specialty.

Peanut Allergy Drug Slated for 2018

We at Atlanta Allergy & Asthma are please to see that the FDA has decided to fast-track the studies for these potential therapies for patients with peanut allergy. The preliminary data looks promising for this novel system for delivery of allergen immunotherapy.


How to Protect Yourself from Insect Sting Allergies

Summer means outdoor fun — but it also means bugs!

10th Anniversary - FARE Walk for Food Allergy, October 4th at Grant Park

Douglasville Office Wins “Reader’s Choice Award” for Allergy Care

We’re proud to congratulate our Douglasville office location for winning the Douglas County Sentinel's 2015 “Reader’s Choice Award” for allergy care!


Consensus Communication on Early Introduction of Peanut for Children at Risk

Expert organizations have come together to provide a consensus opinion on the LEAP (Learning Early about Peanut) Study released in February. This trial demonstrated a successful 11% - 25% absolute reduction in the risk of developing peanut allergy in high-risk infants (and a relative risk reduction of up to 80%) if peanut was introduced between 4 and 11 months of age.

In Observance of Independence Day We Will Be Closed on July 3rd

We, at Atlanta Allergy, wish everyone a happy holiday weekend.

Congratulations to Dr. Hwang and Family!

Congratulations to Dr. Hwang and family! Leia Clara Hamilton was born on May 30th and weighed 8 pounds and 4 ounces.

Hereditary Angioedema (HAE) Patient Education Event-6/20/15

HAE Patient Education Program Presented by Shire

Primary Immunodeficiency Patient Dinner and Program

Please join our PI Support Meeting on Wednesday, May 27 to learn more about how to navigate healthcare coverage and PI.

May is Food Allergy Action Month

According to the Food Allergy Research and Education (FARE) organization, up to 15 million Americans suffer from food allergies. Of this 15 million, the condition affects 1 in every 13 American children under 18 years of age. In an effort to educate the public and spread awareness about the world of food allergies, FARE has declared May Food Allergy Action Month and May 10-16, 2015 as Food Allergy Awareness Week.

Food Allergy Awareness Week – May 10th-16th

The national organization, Food Allergy Research and Education (FARE), established Food Allergy Awareness Week in 1998 to educate the public and raise awareness of food allergies.

Allergy, Asthma & Immunology Society of Georgia Honors Dr. Silk, Names Dr. Sheerin President-Elect

The Allergy, Asthma & Immunology Society of Georgia held their annual meeting May 1-3 at Lake Lanier. Atlanta Allergy & Asthma physicians were on hand as the group honored our own Dr. Howard Silk for his service as president of the organization over the past two years and named Dr. Kathleen Sheerin incoming president-elect.

Food Allergy Mall Walk and Expo Sunday May 3

Join Atlanta Allergy & Asthma as we kick off Asthma and Allergy Awareness month at the 2015 Strides for Safe Kids Food Allergy Mall Walk and Expo on Sunday, May 3, 2015.


Atlanta Allergy & Asthma Team Tackles 51 Flights at Fight for Air Climb

Congratulations to the Atlanta Allergy & Asthma climbers who conquered 51 flights of stairs at the American Lung Association Fight for Air Climb!

Dr. Stanley Fineman speaks at International Congress of the Egyptian Society of Pediatric Allergy & Immunology

Atlanta Allergy and Asthma's Dr. Stanley Fineman was recently featured as a guest speaker at the 11th International Congress of the Egyptian Society of Pediatric Allergy and Immunology (ESPAI) from April 8-9, 2015.

April 13 - 19 is World Allergy Week

World Allergy Week is an annual initiative of the World Allergy Organization (WAO) that strives to bring awareness to the importance of understanding airway allergies and to improve the quality of life and reduce the socioeconomic burden that they cause around the world.

WSB-TV Goes Behind The Scenes of Daily Pollen Count

Have you ever wondered how the daily pollen count is calculated? Dr. Lily G. Hwang recently gave WSB-TV meteorologist Katie Walls a behind the scenes look into the process.

FDA Alert: Over-The-Counter Asthma Products Labeled as Homeopathic

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration is warning consumers not to rely on asthma products labeled as homeopathic that are sold over-the-counter (OTC).

Dr. Stanley Fineman Appears On CBS46 News

Dr. Stanley Fineman recently appeared on CBS46 news to discuss the rising pollen count and provide tips for those experiencing allergy symptoms.

Weekend Pollen Counts

Beginning March 28th and continuing through peak pollen season, our certified pollen counting team will work 7 days a week to provide the counts that assist our patients and the community in planning their daily activities through the spring.


Join Atlanta Allergy for Community Easter Egg Hunt and Health Fair Saturday, April 4

Join Atlanta Allergy's Dr. Erinn Gardner and staff from the Douglasville clinic for Alpha Kappa Alpha's Annual Easter Egg Hunt and Community Health Fair & Business Expo Saturday, April 4.

Smart Investments for Spring? Allergy Shots Says Today Show Expert

Did you catch Today Show​ financial editor Jean Chatzky​ discussing smart ways to spend your money this Spring? She suggested that one of the best ways to invest in your health this spring may be allergy shots.

Buckhead Clinic Closed March 27 for Move

To better serve the Buckhead community, we are relocating our office to a larger suite in the same building at 2045 Peachtree Road.


Exciting New Research on Peanut Allergy Reveals It May Be Prevented Early in Life

The results of a groundbreaking clinical trial to prevent food allergy were presented on Monday, February 23, 2015 at the annual scientific meeting of the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology. Published in the New England Journal of Medicine, researchers found that sustained consumption of a peanut-containing snack by babies at high risk for developing peanut allergy reduced the risk of their developing peanut allergy.


Participants Needed for Asthma Research Study

Atlanta Allergy & Asthma’s Research Department is looking for qualified participants for an asthma research study. We are looking for people with uncontrolled asthma.

New Research Study Reports Prevalence of Misdiagnosis for Children with Food Allergies

A recent study published in The Journal of Pediatrics reports that the use of a Food Allergy Blood test panel often results in misdiagnosis in children who are tested for food allergies.


New Look, New Resources…Same Commitment

We’ve got a new look, and we’re excited to share it with you! For more than 40 years, Atlanta Allergy & Asthma has provided cutting edge patient care for allergic, asthmatic, and immunologic diseases to generations of families in Atlanta and surrounding areas.

Atlanta Allergy Holiday Hours

Happy Holidays from everyone at Atlanta Allergy & Asthma!

New Options for Allergy Sufferers

Allergen Immunotherapy is the only disease modifying treatment for allergy sufferers. There are now a number of excellent immunotherapy treatment options for those who live with the sometimes debilitating effects of seasonal and year-round allergies: allergy shots, allergy drops, and allergy tablets.

Holiday Allergy Tips

More than 40 million Americans suffer from year-round and/or seasonal allergy symptoms. Winter and the holiday season are full of additional triggers for some of those with allergies and asthma. Food allergies, seasonal scents, and dust and mold found on some decorations are just some of the concerns for this group. Here are some tips on how to keep the joy in the season.